In this video, we will be introduced to the types of reproduction and the animal that lay eggs and give birth.
Let's watch this short video and understand the significant of reproduction towards our biodiversity.
Why do animal reproduce?
Reproduction is one of the most characteristic features of living organisms. Life would not exist on Earth if plants and animals did not reproduce to make their offspring. By reproducing, a living organism can be sure that there is another individual of its kind to take its place when it dies. In this way a species of organism guarantees its survival. All animals produce offspring so their species can continue. Some animals reproduce sexually, by mating with a partner; other reproduce asexually, without mating. Animals grow up in different ways, including by metamorphosis. Care of offspring varies -- some young fend for themselves.
Why do some animals give birth rather than lay eggs?
Animals born live are more likely to survive than those that hatch out of eggs. While developing inside their mother, babies are at less risk of being eaten than eggs.
Why look after young?
Animals care for offspring to improve their chances of survival. More of these babies survive to adulthood than those whose parents leave them to fend for themselves.
Animals born live are more likely to survive than those that hatch out of eggs. While developing inside their mother, babies are at less risk of being eaten than eggs.
Why look after young?
Animals care for offspring to improve their chances of survival. More of these babies survive to adulthood than those whose parents leave them to fend for themselves.